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Hunting and Fishing

Hunting or Fishing Charges for Violations? 


This coverage is $25.00 per month or $300.00 per year
Coverage is separate from the self-defense plans.

This plan is standalone and separate from the Gold, Silver, or Bronze self-defense coverage plan.  If you want coverage for both hunting & fishing and self-defense then please submit a separate application for your choice of the Gold, Silver, or Bronze self-defense plan and submit a separate application for the hunting and fishing protection.

Consider self-defense and hunting coverage as part of your hunting gear. Unintentional hunting violations can cost thousands of dollars and cause you to lose your hunting privileges.


Optional membership covers unintentional wildlife law violations. Depending on the issue, the offense might be classified as a misdemeanor or a felony. Although penalties vary by state, possible legal repercussions include:

  • Up to $10,000 fine

  • Jail time

  • Automatic suspension or revocation of hunting license

  • Forfeit of all hunting gear, including firearms, used during the violation

  • Civil restitution to your department of natural resources or other wildlife governing body

  • $100 hunting license reinstatement fee after the end of the suspension perio

  • The Federal Fisheries Act

  • Invasive Species Act

  • Federal Species at Risk Act

  • Endangered Species Act

  • Migratory Birds Convention Act

  • Trespass to Property Act

SDF has attorneys experienced with wildlife law and can provide legal defense for violations involving lesser-known laws.


Things to think about!

It is not possible for the average sportsman to know every hunting and fishing law or act.  It’s easier than you might think to violate a little known Act or trespassing law such as crossing a property line without realizing it. In fact, did you know if you shoot a deer, bird, or other animal on your land or hunting lease and it crosses onto someone else’s property before dying, you shouldn’t just wander over and get it especially if a Game Warded is watching. 


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