Want to Make a Difference Within the Justice System?
Help Send a Student to Law School!
Many private organizations offer scholarships to help students pay for law school. This aid is based on academic merit, talent, or a particular area of study and can make a real difference in helping manage education expenses.
Since inception, the SDF 2-A Fund has awarded money for legal education and support of students learning to defend an individuals right to keep and bear arms.
Any law student currently enrolled in or accepted by an ABA accredited law school is eligible to submit, in writing, a scholarly op-ed article suitable for publication on a specific second amendment and/or gun rights issue.
Articles, typically range from 500 to 700 words. You can submit at any time for consideration. There are no competition rules. If we like and accept your article remuneration for your article is $1,000.00 paid by cashier’s check directly to you.
Eligible law school students please email your op-ed article to: sdfmembers@gmail.com